On this page
  • Dialectal Gap Across Language Clusters
  • Task Specific Scores
    • Structured Prediction
    • Sequence Classification
    • Question Answering
    • Machine Translation
  • Regional MT Maps (Italian and Swiss German)
  • Highest and lowest scoring varieties

Dialectal Gap Across Language Clusters

Here we plot the zero-shot dialectal gap across all tasks. On the x-axis, we plot aggregated cluster-level gap compared to English, while on the y-axis, we plot the aggregated cluster-level gap compared to the representative variety (standard variety). In an ideal scenario, both of these gap values would be close to zero.

Dependency Parsing
POS Tagging
Topic Classification

As expected, we oberve that low-resource clusters have genrally have higher dialectal gaps when compared to English and even when compared to the standard variety within the cluster. High-resource Germanic and Sinitic language clusters consistently exhibit low dialectal gaps.

Natural Language Inference
Extractive Question Answering
Named Entity Recognition

Task Specific Scores

Structured Prediction

Across all structured prediction tasks, we observe higher performance in higher-resourced Indo-European languages compared to low-resource varieties from indigenous South American and Uralic language clusters.

Dependency Parsing
POS Tagging
Named Entity Recognition

Sequence Classification

Here, we report city-level Dialect Identification results for Arabic and High German but country-level results for Portuguese, Spanish and English. For Sentiment Analysis, we only report region/country-level results for Arabic. We generally observe the largest in-cluster disparity within Kurdish. The Sotho varieties consistently perform significantly lower compared to other varities on NLI and DiD. Overall we find the Chinese \cluster{} performing on par with high-resource Latin counterparts.

Topic Classification
Natural Language Inference
Dialect Identification
Sentiment Analysis

Question Answering

There are no significant gaps within varities in each cluster, In EQA zero-shot experiments, English and its varieties have the highest performance overall and Korean varieties score the lowest.

Multiple Choice Machine Reading Comprehension
Extractive Question Answering

Machine Translation

Here, the performance gap varies widely across and within language varieties. The model perfomance is similar within the Swiss-German. We see surprisingly higher scores on the eastern Norwegian dialect even though we perform zero-shot transfer from Norwegian Nynorsk (a Western dialect) . Refer to the plots for detailed results on other language clusters.

Variety level aggregation
Region level aggregation for Swiss German and Italian

Regional MT Maps (Italian and Swiss German)

For Italian and Swiss-German we report Machine Translation results aggregated across regions in Italy and Switzerland respectively. (A darker shade of green indicates a higher score).

Swiss German: Performance is similar within the Swiss-German cluster, with higher performance across regions in Northern Switzerland, which is geographically closer to Germany.
Italian: For Italian, we see that areas adjacent to Tuscany exhibit darker shades of green, denoting higher performance. However, scores gradually diminish with distance from these regions.

Highest and lowest scoring varieties

The highest-performing varieties are mostly standard high-resource languages and a few high-resource dialects (Norwegian dialects) whereas, the majority of the lowest-performing language variants are low-resourced varieties. This is not surprising, however we also note that there is a correlation between language writing script and its performance. The top-10 scoring varieties are written with Latin script. (* indicates standard varieties )

Task (Dataset) Dialects with Highest Performance Dialects with Lowest Performance
DEP parsing (UD) anglic/english* italian romance/italian (r:formal, m:written, i:essay)* tupi-guarani subgroup i.a/old guarani* arabic/north african arabic
  albanian/albanian* southwestern shifted romance/portuguese (a:european) komi/komi-zyrian (m:written)* italian romance/continental southern italian
  gallo-rhaetian/french* norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)* saami/skolt saami* komi/komi-zyrian (m:spoken)*
  norwegian/norwegian bokmål (m:written)* southwestern shifted romance/portuguese (i:mix)* tupi-guarani subgroup i.a/mbyá guaraní (a:paraguay) komi/komi-permyak
  italian romance/italian* southwestern shifted romance/brazilian portuguese* tupi-guarani subgroup i.a/mbyá guaraní (a:brazil)* saami/north saami*
EQA (SD-QA-test) anglic/english (a:scotland) anglic/irish english swahili/swahili (a:kenya)* arabic/algerian arabic
  anglic/southern african english anglic/philippine english bengali/vanga (a:west bengal)* arabic/tunisian arabic
  anglic/new zealand english anglic/nigerian english bengali/vanga (a:dhaka)* arabic/moroccan arabic
  anglic/australian english anglic/indian english (a:north) korean/seoul (m:spoken)* arabic/egyptian arabic*
  anglic/southeast american english* anglic/kenyan english korean/korean (a:south-eastern, m:spoken)* swahili/swahili (a:tanzania)*
TC (SIB-200) sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:traditional)* italian romance/italian* latvian/east latvian* arabic/moroccan arabic
  anglic/english* southwestern shifted romance/galician* sotho-tswana (s.30)/northern sotho* high german/limburgan
  sinitic/cantonese* norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)* kurdish/northern kurdish gallo-italian/lombard
  sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:simplified)* norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)* sotho-tswana (s.30)/southern sotho* gallo-italian/ligurian
  southwestern shifted romance/portuguese (a:european) arabic/standard arabic* kurdish/central kurdish common turkic/south azerbaijani
MRC (Belebele) anglic/english* arabic/north mesopotamian arabic arabic/moroccan arabic sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:simplified)*
  sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:simplified)* arabic/moroccan arabic arabic/egyptian arabic* sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:traditional)*
  sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:traditional)* arabic/egyptian arabic* arabic/najdi arabic sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:traditional)*
  arabic/standard arabic* arabic/najdi arabic sotho-tswana (s.30)/northern sotho* arabic/levantine arabic (a:north)*
  arabic/levantine arabic (a:north)* sotho-tswana (s.30)/northern sotho* sotho-tswana (s.30)/southern sotho* arabic/north mesopotamian arabic
NER (Wikiann) anglic/english (o:controlled)* modern dutch/dutch* sinitic/classical chinese mari/western mari
  norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)* southwestern shifted romance/galician* sinitic/hakka chinese* gallo-italian/emiliano-romagnolo
  norwegian/norwegian (m:written, i:samnorsk) italian romance/italian* sotho-tswana (s.30)/northern sotho* greater panjabic/eastern panjabi*
  norwegian/norwegian bokmål (m:written)* hindustani/fiji hindi* kurdish/
NLI (XNLI-translate-test) anglic/english* norwegian/norwegian bokmål (m:written)*
  southwestern shifted romance/spanish* sinitic/classical-middle-modern sinitic (o:simplified)*
  southwestern shifted romance/portuguese (a:european) southwestern shifted romance/occitan
  italian romance/italian* norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)*
  southwestern shifted romance/galician* arabic/standard arabic*
POS tagging (UD) anglic/english* gallo-rhaetian/french (a:paris)
  norwegian/norwegian bokmål (m:written)* neva/finnish*
  high german/german* italian romance/italian*
  norwegian/norwegian nynorsk (m:written)* neva/estonian*
writing system (non-MT) Latin (77.2%) Latin (44.2%)
dialect (non-MT) Standard (7%) Standard (4.5%)